Friends of the Fox Present The Princess Bride
"The Princess Bride" is a beloved fantasy adventure film directed by Rob Reiner, based on William Goldman's novel. The story begins with a grandfather reading a book to his sick grandson. The tale unfolds in the mythical kingdom of Florin, where a beautiful young woman named Buttercup falls in love with her farmhand, Westley.
Doors open on Sunday, August 11, at 1 PM with entertainment in the lobby. The live Robert Morton Organ concert begins at 1:30 PM, and the film starts at 2 PM. Tickets are available online now or at the theatre when doors open.
The Friends of the Fox is a volunteer, non-profit organization offering a monthly classic movie experience at the Bob Hope Fox Theatre. Founded in 1995, the Friends of the Fox supported the restoration of the Theatre through significant fundraising efforts. Nearly 30 years later, the organization continues to promote the Theatre as an integral part of the Stockton community and the “Crown Jewel” of downtown Stockton.