Hutchins Street Square
Hutchins Street Square plays host to a wide variety of musical groups, theatre events, city commissions, wedding receptions, business conferences, youth activities, and senior care. Hutchins Street Square, working collaboratively, is dedicated to providing programs & services that enhance the health and well being, social vitality and cultural vibrancy of our community. Visit the Hutchins Street Square website for a schedule of upcoming events and performances.
- Art
- Comedy
- Concerts
- Dance
- Family Friendly
- Major Events
- Theatre
Very nice local park and recreation/ event hall area. Located in a simple area surrounded by scenic housing, the center itself is large with multiple rooms for events and as well as a heated pool on second story. This center hosts many events and camps for kids. Ample parking on both sides of the center and security as well. There is a full childs playground as well on the property and basketball courts.
Hutchins Street Square offers great classes for seniors!! For many years, I was a regular beginning tap student (aka Sassy Senior Tappers). I loved that class. Now I am loving the new line dancing class for seniors. It just started today, August 7. It’s SO fun, and what an excellent way to get exercise while stimulating the ol’ “gray matter!” Nora is the perfect instructor for newbies like me!
Great place for family reunions and weddings. Clean place. Keep up the good work 👏
Very nice venue to hold events such as wedding reception, birthdays and parties. We delivered 160 Chiavari chairs to this location for a wedding reception and the staff at the facility was very helpful when closing up at night.
Enjoying my first ever yoga class on Monday night from 6-7pm, and feeling it! Although it, I believe, is considered an advanced class the instructor takes the time to have students adjust their workout to fit their abilities. My wife has joined me, she is much better than I am, and although she expected the class to be to boring, she's a Zumba person, she has found it challenging and actually inspiring. Looking forward to continuing in the future. Thank you Melody for making this work for us!