7 Tasty Stockton, California Foodie Photo Tips for Mouthwatering Images
Embrace your inner social media foodie influencer while showing off Stockton cuisine using these tips!
With Stockton being so full of unique and diverse flavor, it's only right to show off what we got with some fantastic pictures to post on your social media channels. So here's 7 food photo tips that can help you enhance your food photography game. The pictures below are all Instagram-ready, so you can share with friends who are in need of a few helpful suggestions.
1. Try Close Ups.
Not all dishes will look great from a wide angle. Shooting close-ups of food don’t tend to require any additional decorations in the scene. Close-ups give the audience a detailed look at the dish. Sometimes food looks better straight on or at a slight angle.
2. Use A Retouching App.
Who wants to eat dark depressing food? There are apps out there solely dedicated to making your pictures look scrumptious and mouthwatering! Don’t be afraid to add some light and color to your foodie photos. To keep the integrity of a great photo, use a retouching app like Google’s Snapseed for a clean image - free in the App Store!
3. Natural Lighting Is Everything!
Pointing a flash straight at food takes away the gorgeous contrast of food and instantly makes it less appealing to the eyes. If you want the most beautiful foodie photos, natural light is the way to go. The natural tones of the dish can shine and you can showcase the food considerably better. Give it a try!
4. A Table Of Tasty Food: Action Shot!
Naturally, people will want to pause what they’re doing to let you take the picture. Instead, tell them to keep doing what they’re doing. Don’t be afraid to show people digging in at the table. The picture will tell a story and come out more natural-looking when there’s movement at the table. A busy scene is a happy inviting scene!
5. Keep It Simple.
Take out the stuff you don’t need. Remove the things on the table that are distracting and pair it down to two plates of food. Take the salt & pepper out of the shot. If the food once cooked is unattractive, only show a portion of it.
6. Cut Into The Food.
Though a finished pan of lasagna or a whole chocolate cake is a beautiful sight, sometimes it’s nice to cut into the food and show folks what it actually looks like seconds before you take a bite.
7. Be Selective.
You don’t have to post everything. If you have multiple shots of a food, pick the best one. If you’re not happy with a photo, don’t post it. You're the director here. You have final cut—so show the people what YOU want them to see.
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